Main Services and Terms for PROLabs Eco-System

§1 Introduction

§2 General Provisions

    • The User´s activity in our Ecosystem is the most important thing for PROLabs.
    • NOTICE: When joining the PROLabs Ecosystem you will automatically approve all General Main terms and policy at all above websites stated above. Each Website also have its own general terms.
    • 2.1 Services
        • The User can gain access to the entire Ecosystem by registering on any platform within the Ecosystem with the same username and password.
        • Users can freely choose to be an affiliate within our Ecosystem and create their own business and collaborate with various companies.  Users can also form their own team with the Universal Starter Kit Terms and Regulations for an affiliate.
      2.2 Scope of Services
        • PROLabs is a company with its own Ecosystem dedicated to creating contacts and relationships with people and companies online and offline.
        • As part of the Ecosystem, PROLabs gives the Users the opportunity to be an affiliate and create their own business, especially with the available services such as:
          • Sales of Services and Products
          • Sell Equity Shares in PROLabs (Internal Shares)
          • Invite to Exchange
          • Sell Universal Starter Kit
          • Invite to Stake
          • Invite Users to the Blockchain
          • Use the NFT Platform
          • Benefit from the Liquidity Pool
          • Join Future Applications Within the Ecosystem and White Label System
          • ForexPRO Trading and Market Place
        • PROLabs assumes that each User follows and has read all main general terms and conditions stated in the regulations.  If something is unclear or Users feel that something is missing in the regulations, they are welcome to contact us at
      2.3 Definitions
        • Password - Unique sequence of characters created by the User, that secures access to the account.
        • Login - User Name, which is used for identification in the system along with the password required to make an authorization when accessing the ECO system.
        • User Account - After the successful login, Users come to their User account, from where they can control, profile settings, KYC, exchange, IDO/IEO, services, and business.
        • Marketing - Promotional Banners, Business Cards, Logos, Advertising,
        • Marketing Plan - Documents that specify how to build their own business and services are provided by PROLabs. Members who change the above-mentioned marketing without approval from PROLabs can lose their account in worst case.
        • Ecosystem - The websites (mentions in §1:2) and APPs that exist within the Ecosystem belongs to PROLabs. All were created within the Ecosystem of users belonging to PROLabs and considered as PROLabs property. Each User approves terms when they register.
        • Registration - Activity performed within the Ecosystem, which means that you can create a User account using login and passwords and other fields that are requested when registering.
        • Affiliate System – Affiliate system allows each User to buy a Universal Starter Kit to build a business within the Ecosystem and generate an income and passive income based on the sale in the network.
        • PROLabs – PROLabs is creating their own Brand, Forex Trading, Trading Market Place, Exchange, IDO/IEO LaunchPAD, Blockchain with NFT and Market Place and White Label System.PROLabs = Includes all domains owned by PROlabs.
        • Content - All services and materials are shared in the Ecosystem.
        • APP – PROLabs has a phone app coming to the Ecosystem.
        • Social Media – All social media content regarding PROLabs or Ecosystem needs to be approved first.
        • User - A natural person, a legal entity or organization that is not connected to one another, who by law, is in the country in which PROLabs is located to conduct business. And that according to the country, it allows the business in conducting such activities as PROLabs offers.
        • Companies – Each company that wishes to do business with PROLabs needs to follow the law within the country they are registered in. PROLabs can’t do business with a company without legal papers.
        • Upline – Refers to the person who sponsored you into PROLabs Ecosystem (that person is your sponsor), along with the people in the same line in the levels above you.
        • Downline - Is the Users you have personally sponsored into PROLabs Ecosystem or who have been sponsored into PROLabs from someone you sponsored, or someone they sponsored, etc., and whose sales or referrals also generate income for you.
        • Equity Shares – Is a non-refundable internal share you are buying from PROLabs affiliate dashboard, giving weekly returns based on the overall performance in PROLabs.
        • Liquidity Pool Rewards – When Users qualify in the Tier program and have active ECPRO STAKING, they can benefit from ExChainPRO liquidity pool rewards.
        • Staking - Is where the User from their private wallets, like MetaMask, Trust Wallet or their own SmartPRO app, can stake ECPRO tokens or SPRO Coins and earn daily rewards paid to their own private wallet.
        • Universal Starter Kit - Is PROLabs Academy and affiliate package, all Users who wish to start earning an income with PROLabs needs to complete Academy training.
        • PROLabs GRAND Affiliate Structure - Is a Forced Matrix 3x10 where Users who purchase the Universal Starter Kit are placed and earn commission from their network when buying more Equity Shares.
        • Spillover  Is the ability to have new Users placed under you by your Upline, as they continue to sponsor more Users. You in turn have the ability to create Spillover under Users in your Downline. Spillover is never guaranteed, and requires patience.
        • Career Plan - Is a program designed to obtain results and achieve new goals by meeting certain requirements.
        • NON-Commission Voucher - Is a Voucher given by PROLabs in the cases of members accepting LOAN, winning prizes and more.
        • PyramidPRO White Label – is a system where other companies can join the Ecosystem and where their structure will be built on top of the existing network, that allows Users multiple options for products and income streams, as their already built business now also will be in the new company.
      2.4 Business Model
        • PROLabs Users can freely choose their product or buy more Equity shares at any time. The Ecosystem also allows each User to be an affiliate member by buying a Universal Starter Kit and start building their own business providing PROLabs affiliate structure with their products and services:
          • It is not necessary to invite people into the Ecosystem to earn a profit.
          • Each User can purchase products and services directly from PROLabs.
          • Each User can create their own vouchers from the back-office and sell to other members.
          • The User confirms on each purchase the value of the purchased service or product.
          • All information and presentation materials are available in the Starter Kit.
          • The affiliate system is presented on Discord, Telegram, Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter.
            Note: Each country has different laws and it’s up to each affiliate to follow their own country’s rules and laws.
          • If the User has in any way not fulfilled the requirements of rules for his country or the terms and rules to be an affiliate connected with the purchase of products and services within PROLabs Eco- system. PROLabs has the right to terminate the affiliate’s agreement or put it ON HOLD until further investigation is completed.

§3 Registration and Agreement

    • Registration to PROLabs is for affiliates above the minimum age of 18.
    • 3.1 Scope of Services
        • A natural person, legal entity, or other organizational entity with legal capacity may enter into an agreement with PROLabs and can be called Users. The age of the User shall be defined by the legislation of a particular country, from which the User is a citizen.
          3.1.1 Affiliate User
          • The agreement as "Affiliate User" is when the User purchases the Universal Starter Kit. 
          • The User can stop using the Ecosystem at any time but can’t delete their account.  If Users choose to close their account when they already have purchased the Starter Kit, we will close the account and change their name and email. All future commissions generated will be lost.
          • The User has the right to cancel their closed account decision within 14 days and can resume their same status in the Ecosystem for a $150 replacement fee to PROLabs.
      3.2 Agreement
        • By registering in the Ecosystem and being verified through approved documents, the User completes an agreement with PROLabs for the provision of services electronically and confirms that they have read the newest update/version on The Marketing Plan and Terms and Regulations that apply to the use of PROLabs Ecosystem as an affiliate member:
          • Scope of Services
          • Marketing Plan
          • Business Model
          • Registration and Agreement
          • Exchange Terms
          • IDO/IEO Terms
          • Liquidity Pool Rewards Terms
          • Referral Campaign System Terms
          • Equity Share Terms
          • ForexPRO Trading Terms
          • Use of Blockchain and NFT Terms
          3:2.1 KYC (Know Your Customer)
          • PROLabs reserves the right to require supporting documentation demonstrating the ID is valid and belongs to the User. Failure to provide the required ID upon reaching one or both stated thresholds will result in a commission hold. PROLabs may adjust the threshold requirements based on the current situation of the User.  
      3.3 Registration Field
        • The registration is only performed online and must contain information about the User. 
        • Information required is:
          • First Name
          • Last Name
          • Email Address
          • Username
          • Password
          • Country
        • KYC will be required on some of PROLabs websites, so we require the user to show photo ID, and more.
        • Affiliate Users get their own referral link, which they can use to build their business with.
        • All User information is processed and protected under the GDPR Act.
      3:4 The Registration Procedure
        • The User is required to complete all required fields completely and correctly and an email confirms the activation of the account. 
        • You must also confirm that you have read and understood the Terms and Rules after registering to PROLabs Ecosystem. The User automatically approves that:
          • The User has read the terms of use of the Ecosystem.
          • The User has read the terms for processing personal data.
          • The User has been informed of the basic application of the Ecosystem and understands the terms and the law of the country in which they live and are registered as citizens, and abides by those laws.
          • If the User breaks any terms or laws, they have no opportunity for compensation or the right to withdraw and get their deposited funds back.
          • Each User is obligated to study and read the terms and laws on their own.
          • The User will follow tax rules on their own, which are applied in the country they are registered. Each User has their own responsibility to declare their own tax declaration.
          • The User understands IF buying non-refundable Equity shares from PROLabs, only profit can be withdrawn. 
        • PROLabs does not take any responsibility for any mishap for declaring the User’s tax.
      3:5 Non-Circumvention
        • A User warrants that by entering into this Contract, the User does not violate any other agreements the User has entered into with a third party, and further, that the User has not entered into any agreement or contract that may invoke a non-competition restriction by any employer or direct selling company that will restrict or prevent the User from performing the User’s duties hereunder, and that the User has no existing contractual or fiduciary duties that would prevent the User from receiving the benefits of, and performing the duties of, this Contract. Users agree to indemnify PROLabs and PROLabs Founder, directors, officers, employees, and agents, and hold them harmless for any and all liability including judgments, civil penalties, refunds, attorney fees, court costs, or loss of business incurred by PROLabs as a result of claims or legal action brought against User by any former employer or direct selling company alleging breach of contract or other violation of any non-competition agreement. This provision will survive the termination of this Agreement and their account in PROLabs.
      3:6 Deaths
        • The agreement ceases immediately at the User’s death.  The right to inherit the account exists until 60 days after the User’s death. The conditions for getting into the User’s account are that PROLabs gets the correct documents about the User’s death.  It is PROLabs support who decides whether the action is probably crucial for inheriting an account.  In the case of an authorization to inherit an account, a legal or natural person must be entered as the owner and User of the account. 
      3:7 Termination of the Agreement
        •  PROLabs reserves the right to extraordinary termination of the contract for significant reasons or, in particular, due to breach of rules in the terms.  The agreement can be terminated immediately without any notice. In the case your profile is ON HOLD or closed you can contact PROLabs Support to get more information.  
        •  In the event of such termination, the User does not have the right to claim any compensation of purchased products or services.  PROLabs may, in certain cases, allows the User to terminate his/her account within a reasonable time upon termination.  In the event of a breach of rules in the terms, PROLabs does not need to justify the termination.
      3:8 Account Activity
        • FREE Users:
          • Each account that is registered in the Ecosystem must be used actively at least once every 3 months, the User must login into their account, or it will be terminated. 
        • Affiliate agreement:
          •  If the User does not log in to his/her account for 3 months (90 days), the account will automatically go ON HOLD and passive income will be lost.
          •  PROLabs is entitled to terminate, the User’s account without replacing funds or services purchased on the account.
          •  For reactivation of affiliate accounts the service cost is $50
      3:9 Sponsor Change
        • The User can´t change the inviting sponsor after a successful registration. 
        • PROLabs does not allow cross-sponsoring, and any sign or complaints can get your account ON HOLD for investigation, without any form of commission.Make sure to always check and double-check you have the right sponsor name. 

§ 4 The Users Obligations

    • Each User as an affiliate has obligations to their invited Sponsor, if they choose to use their referral link.
    • 4:1 Use the ECO System for Intended Purpose
        • By registering in the Ecosystem and being verified through approved documents, the User completes an agreement with PROLabs for the provision of services electronically and confirms that they have read the newest update/version on The Marketing Plan and Terms and Regulations that apply to the use of PROLabs Ecosystem as an affiliate member:
          • Each User shall use the Ecosystem in accordance with its intended purpose, applicable legal and moral standards, and the provisions of this Regulation. 
          • Each User is obliged to notify PROLabs of any marked errors or gaps in the system.  Utilizing errors and gaps in the system to achieve some kind of benefit is incompatible with the regulation and constitutes a clear violation of the law and terms.  If the company decides that the User has used an error or gap for their gain, the User must bear the negative legal consequences of their conduct.
          • PROLabs has the right, in such a situation, to apply all measures (sanctions) provided for in the regulation, including removing the User from the Ecosystem without compensation.
          • The User is required to protect their personal passwords and logins against third-party access.  If the User’s personal information changes, they can change/update the information in their personal profile settings.
          • PROLabs staff will NEVER ask for your password or wallet information.
          • You can use PROLabs Ecosystem only in connection with the regulations. If you create your own business, you must be able to follow all the provisions of both the regulations and legal provisions as an affiliate in PROLabs Ecosystem.
      4:2 Forbidden or Unfair Advertising
        • By registering in the Ecosystem and being verified through approved documents, the User completes an agreement with PROLabs for the provision of services electronically and confirms that they have read the newest update/version on The Marketing Plan and Terms and Regulations that apply to the use of PROLabs Ecosystem as an affiliate member:
        • PROLabs has its own global affiliate advertising system showing ads online, without any notice, we can choose to delete your ads or advertising if it does not follow our advertising rules and guidelines.
        • When the User buys a Universal Starter Kit, he/she becomes an "Affiliate" and only works according to the terms and conditions.  The User gets a high status and should take responsibility for their actions.  PROLabs gives the User the opportunity to build a business within the Ecosystem with their products and services, thus the User must take care of this opportunity and act according to all regulations and laws.
      4:3 Affiliate Status
        • The User, by creating his own business, acts as an affiliate partner. This is not an employee, contractor or sales representative. Therefore, there are no lines regarding sales or debts to provide services to make profit. The User is not instructed to any particular place, business or scope of his business. The User conducts their business in their own name and must comply with all the legal regulations including tax provisions, in order to obtain potential right to conduct their business and in order with all the laws of the country in which they are living in.
      4:4 Privacy Clause
        • The User shall maintain absolute confidentiality regarding confidential business information and structures from PROLabs.  Company information includes names and information about your customers (downline) as well as all the company's customers.  The confidentiality clause also applies after termination of the agreement.
      4:5 Media Requests
        • The User must not respond to inquiry requests regarding PROLabs, its products, marketing plan or services. The User must immediately transmit all requests to PROLabs support or at least gets an approval to respond to the inquiries.
      4:6 Account Rights
        • The User may not share accounts with other Users, transfer rights to the account or perform other forms of sharing of part of the entire account, if so happens, PROLabs has the right to terminate the Users.
      4:7 Recruitment
        • It is strictly prohibited to recruit other Users from PROLabs Ecosystem into their own affiliate link.

§ 5 Use of PROLabs Ecosystem

    • PROLabs is not an investment.  You can enjoy in the Ecosystem as a User or Affiliate Partner. Your development as an Affiliate depends on your own activity and potential on how you run your business.
    • 5:1 General Provisions
        • The User shall use the Ecosystem in a manner consistent with its intended purpose and not interfere with its functions.  They shall use specific equipment that complies with applicable laws and regulations.  The User may not distribute and transmit via the Ecosystem in particular:
          • Content that is prohibited by law, in particular content that is offensive, vulgar, encouraging to violence or other illegal acts contrary to law or good practice.  This includes violating personal assets and third-party rights that are racist or directly discriminatory. 
          • Personal data from third parties, their telephone numbers and address details and e-mail.
          • Unwanted commercial communication and all other types of spam. All of the above can get a user account or Affiliate account closed without any prior notice.
      5:2 Universal Starter Kit
        • You become an Affiliate User when you purchase a Universal Starter Kit in PROLabs Ecosystem. The cost of The Universal Starter Kit is $50, and this Kit provides you with Affiliate Training, Academy Training, Blockchain Training, videos, and much more. These tools help you understand the Blockchain and affiliate marketing.
        • A Starter kit only giving you access to the whole eco-system, but to gain maximum benefits from each platform, the affiliate user need to follow the marketing plan and terms on that specific platform.
      5:3 File Management 
        • PROLabs provides service based on the possibility for the User to store files in their account or post on their wall, which then other people can also see and use.  By uploading a file or advertisement, the User assumes full responsibility under all laws not to share files or ads that have copyright or other illegal material.  Downloading of material belonging to another User must be done with agreement between the two parties. PROLabs is not a part to any such agreement and has no liability to any party, other or third party.
      5:4 Naming of Files
        • Each User who uploads content should name these host files and give them a description that is consistent with the contents of the files.
        • PROLabs has the right to delete any files that doesn’t follow the guidelines on the Ecosystem.
      5:5 Visibility of Files and Their Use
        • The User can use the content files from other Users by downloading and saving them on their own data storage devices as well as playback for private purposes.  Downloaded files should only be visible to the User who has downloaded it.
      5:6 Violation of File Sharing System
        • Unauthorized and irresponsible attempts to bypass the file-sharing system by the User or re-uploading files covered by this system may result in liability for violations of these regulations as well as penalties or civil actions against the User for illegal distribution of files.  In this case, PROLabs has the right to remove the User and their account.
      5:7 The User's Responsibility to NOT Use Offensive or Illegal Content
        • The User must immediately notify the company of any offensive or other illegal material in files shared on the PROLabs Ecosystem.  If the User feels that any comment, or content is in violation of law or practice, it must immediately be notified to support at
      5:8 Unauthorized Actions
        • It is forbidden to overload the PROLabs servers and its Ecosystem through unauthorized traffic in the form of help apps or other ads that do not come directly from the company.  Attempts at the creation of posts and files for profitability in their own operations are also prohibited.  The use of robotic apps that are not supported by PROLabs is considered a violation and will result in immediate termination of the User’s account.
        • BOTS with API requests; please read the terms for the exchange associated with the BOT.
      5:9 Responsibility for Uploading
        • The User is entirely responsible for everything they upload and all comments and materials associated with the upload.

§6 Affiliate and Ecosystem

    • PROLabs does NOT REQUIRE anyone to be an Affiliate User in PROLabs Ecosystem (their own business), it is purely an alternative.
    • 6:1 Additional Features
        • The main purpose for the PROLabs affiliate website is to give Users the option to build a business with the PROLabs service and products, in such way, it benefits both the User and PROLabs.
        • A secondary purpose is to help companies reach new customers on the internet and bring them into their business even if it’s an online company or an offline company. The PyramidPRO White Label system helps any business succeed. 
        • The User reward is based on the User’s own activity, and can get people to use their earnings with all partners connected to the Ecosystem. The company distributes funds and acquires profits mainly from:
          • Starter Kit 
          • Sales of Their Own Products 
          • Advanced Advertising Program 
          • Affiliate System 
          • Equity Shares 
          • IDO/IEO LaunchPAD 
          • Exchange 
          • ForexPRO 
          • SmartChainPRO Blockchain and NFT 
        • All Affiliates will get rewarded based on their internal shares in PROLabs.The Affiliate User receives profit from the above sale.
        • The User accepts, approves and is aware that it is not a fixed profit, but can be affected by the market and the company’s total return.  
        • By joining the affiliate system, the User accepts any risk that may arise from the above.
        • PROLab’s commission is 100% calculated on sales in the Ecosystem and Liquidity Pool rewards.
      6:2 Marketing Plan
        • PROLabs marketing plan, with all content included in it, forms an integral part of this agreement.  This document contains the main principles for earning commission and getting rewards in the business described by the Ecosystem and Affiliate plan.  At the same time, the company reminds all parties, that it does not require Users to encourage new people to join the system.
        • Each platform have its own affiliate requirement and marketing.
      6:3 Commission and Profit
        • Each User who chooses to buy a Universal Starter Kit is considered an Affiliate User and opens up the options to earn commission in multiple ways across the Ecosystem and partners.
        • The Universal Starter Kit can be purchased on all websites in the Ecosystem.
        • You will receive commission on the Users you have invited into the Ecosystem.  All bonuses are described in the Marketing Plan. 
        • Before a User can earn commission, they need to purchase a Universal Starter Kit and follow the marketing plan on each platform.
        • Each website has its own set of benefits and requirements to earn for the Starter Kit.
        • No package in PROLabs Affiliate Marketing Plan includes any kind of token or coins.
      6:4 Sales Bonus
        • An Affiliate User receives commission from Users that used their affiliate link to join the Ecosystem.
        • PROLabs has the right to make changes in any future sales and bonuses.
      6:5 Subscription Bonus
        • All Users can join ExChainPRO exchange as a FREE User, and can access the exchange.
        • Each User can subscribe to a higher membership level and get more benefits.
          •  Free User - Free
          •  SILVER - $10 monthly
          •  GOLD - $40 monthly
        • All subscriptions are a monthly based payment.
        • Based on the Affiliate’s own membership/subscription level they will earn up to 40% sales bonus on directly invited Users. 
        • If ANY kind of cheating or manipulation of the system and/or account is found, the User’s account will be terminated and any rewards or commission earned will be lost.
      6:6 Equity Shares
        • PROLabs has 19 Equity Share Packages including internal shares. Shares start as low as $100 and the User can buy packages for up to and including $150,000. Each package the User pays the full amount.
        • All Equity Shares are NON-refundable. The User is buying Internal Shares in the PROLabs Ecosystem.
        • Each Equity Share Package includes extra benefits such as the Sponsor Bonus, the Grand Affiliate Bonus, Liquidity Pool Rewards, and other bonuses.
        • Each Equity Share Package can earn up to a maximum of 400% commission.
        • These extra bonuses can be reset by buying the next Equity Share Package, and it will reset the 400% commission wheel.
        • Notice: Internal share commission is NOT included in the 400% wheel.
        • The internal Shares will always give a weekly commission based on the company turnover without any max earnings cap.
      6:7 Sponsor Bonus
        • PROLabs Sponsor Bonus is achieved when you personally invite new Users to PROLabs Ecosystem. The Sponsor bonus follow the rules for Sponsor bonus in the marketing plan on each platform where user getting sponsor bonus benefits as an affiliate.
        • The Sponsor Bonus can be changed in each marketing plan depending on market conditions without any notice.
      6:6 Equity Shares
      6:8 Withdrawal Bonus in my.PROLabs
        • PROLabs Withdrawal Bonus is earned each time your personally invited Users start withdrawing funds. Your Withdrawal Bonus will be 1% each time and 1% from the ExchainPRO withdrawal fee from your invited Users.
        • NOTICE: This bonus depends what website you are active on, take a closer look at the marketing plan for that website.
      6:9 Forced Matrix in my.PROLabs ( Grand Affiliate Structure )
        • To enter the Grand Affiliate Structure, each User must start with the Universal Starter Kit.
        • This will place the User in the Grand PROLabs Affiliate Structure with a main position. Each time the User buys the next Equity Share Package, the system generates a new position in the first available location on the downline, giving spillover to new Users.
        • The Matrix is a 3x10 which means each User always has 3 positions in their level 1, and that continues down to 10 levels.
        • Level Requirements:
          • Levels 1-2   = $50 Starter Kit 
          • Levels 3-4   = $100 Equity Share 
          • Levels 5-6   = $250 Equity Share 
          • Levels 7-8   = $500 Equity Share 
          • Levels 9-10 = $1000 Equity Share 
      6:10 Equity Share Upgrade
        • Each upgrade gives the User an additional position in the GRAND PROLabs Affiliate Structure.
        • With each upgrade, the User pays the full amount of the next package.
        • 70% goes to the company Liquidity Pool, and 30% goes to the network.
        • NOTICE: Users buying Internal Shares worth 50$ per share = 100% value of the Equity Share Package. That means the Sponsor Bonus and the Matrix Bonus is an extra benefit given by PROLabs and can be changed and/or removed at any time on future upgrades.
      6:11 Career Plan
        • Any of PROLabs Career Plans are built to benefit and motivate Affiliates and at the same time to reward those who do an extra good job.
        • All prizes are paid out based on the marketing plan on each platform.
      6:12 Vouchers
        • Each User can create Vouchers from their back-office, if they have money in their account balance.
        • Non-Commission Vouchers are given to users who win Zoom meetings, prizes, taking LOANS and more.
        • A Non-Commission Voucher does not affect the Sponsor Bonus and downline commission.
        • Decentralized Voucher from ForexPRO will ONLY work on ForexPRO.
        • Voucher created on my.prolabs and ExchainPRO can be used on both platforms.
      6:13 Affiliate User
        • An affiliate User is authorized to find new Users for PROLabs products and services.  
        • If you chose to use your affiliate link and become a sponsor to new Users, it also becomes your responsibility to help the new Users/Affiliates to understand everything about the rules and structures surrounding PROLabs Ecosystem and business concept.
      6:14 Dashboard
        • Only Affiliate Users get access to PROLabs Affiliate Dashboard.
        • Free Users get access to ExChainPRO Exchange, Blockchain and the ForexPRO Dashboard.
      6:15 Affiliate Acquisition (New Users)
        • Any potential information about the ways of gaining profits if recognizing the benefits of inviting new customers cannot be interpreted as a necessary form of function in the Ecosystem.  In particular, the wording "all you need is to bring in one/next person" does not mean that it is necessary within ANY of PROLabs marketing plan or Ecosystem.  The acquisition of new Users is intended for the growth of the PROLabs Ecosystem, but the availability of the service which makes it possible to use the Ecosystem without these measures. A User who has effectively invited (acquired) another User to any of PROLabs marketing plan for their own affiliate business.
      6:16 Affiliate Business 
        • The operations of an Affiliate in PROLabs are carried out on their own account and the risk and use of the Ecosystem is voluntary. All decisions and information that Affiliates take from the User who acquired them are done well with their sponsor, which PROLabs does not have an impact on. In particular, an Affiliate cannot act on behalf of, or for PROLabs. All rules are the same for all Users.
      6:17 Conduct Business Activity 
        • An Affiliate’s business Activity shall only be made according to all terms and conditions that PROLabs presents in the terms and marketing plan and Ecosystem. PROLabs is not responsible to the User or third party for omissions or actions by Affiliates that lead to observing or violating binding regulations.
        • PROLabs does not provide any consulting services to Users, especially within the framework of legal, financial assistance or tax consulting. All Users are required to pay any taxes on their own.
      6:18 Using PROLabs Brand and Marketing
        • A User or Affiliate is entitled to use the company name, logo, photographs, prints, and any information from PROLabs. Such use is approved only after the consent of PROLabs and only in accordance with the provisions below.
          •  If a User in any way uses the PROLabs brand in different forms, it must always be accompanied with the quotes "in collaboration with" or "Independent affiliate of PROLabs".
          •  If a User uses the name PROLabs or any domain of the Ecosystem in any domain, the company may require the transfer of rights to the domain.
        • In case of violations that are considered highly negligible, PROLabs reserves the right to delete and terminate the User without any notice. In extreme cases, PROLabs reserves the right to file a law suit.
      6:19 Cooperation with Other Entities
        • It is not prohibited to be part of any other MLM companies.
      6:20 ECPRO Token and SPRO Coin
        • ExChainPRO has it own crypto token (ECPRO), created on the BNB smart chain.
        • The main function of ECPRO is the staking option so that a User can qualify for the Liquidity Pool Rewards.
        • The function of the tokens is stated in the whitepaper.
        • SPRO coin is PROLabs Blockchain, more information and use case can be found in the SPRO whitepaper.
      6:21 Staking ECPRO
        • All Users can STAKE ECPRO tokens directly from their own private wallet. (ex. MetaMask, Trust wallet or SmartPRO APP). The daily rewards are automatically paid out from the blockchain to STAKEPRO where the Users can claim their rewards.  ECPRO staking’s main function is to activate the Liquidity Pool for Users.
        • All ECPRO Staking Rewards are paid out in ECPRO tokens on a daily basis.
      6:22 Liquidity Pool Rewards
        • Users on ExChainPRO with minimum TIER 1 can earn from ExChainPRO Liquidity Pool Rewards. This reward is 100% based on the trading fee from ExChainPRO trading accomplished by other Users when buying and selling crypto on the exchange.
        • From the Total trading fee earned on ExChainPR, PROLabs is giving 50% to the liquidity pool, where active users can share.
        • The Pool collecting trading fee Monday-Saturday, and will be shared on a day basic.
        • Users have no right to missing or lost commission if the system is down, or in maintenance.
        • 6:22.1 Liquidity Pool Rewards TIER system
          •  To earn in the Liquidity pool users, need to qualify for minimum 1 TIER.The TIERS can be change at any time without any notice.
      6:23 SPRO Staking
        • The SmartChainPRO blockchain offers SPRO Coin Staking, Liquidity Farming, DEX and NFT Staking.
        • All Users with a SmartPRO wallet from PROLabs can freely stake SPRO from their own wallet, directly on the SmartChainPRO blockchain.
        • There will be many applications that require SPRO Staking to fully benefit from their system.
      6:24 NFT Staking
        • Each User within the PROLabs Ecosystem can hold SPRO in the SmartPRO Wallet and stake directly on the blockchain.
        • The User also has the option to buy a NFT Booster giving 2x, or a Premium NFT Booster giving 3x on any Staking Rewards generated from the wallet from where the NFT is located.
        • The User can hold a maximum of 1 NFT Booster and 1 Premium NFT Booster in the same wallet.

§7 Rewards, Commission, Loan, Payment and Withdrawal

      7:1 Rewards
        • Each User can stake and earn staking rewards directly to their own private wallet.
      7:2 Commission
        • All commissions are shown directly in USD in the Affiliate Backoffice.
        • Each Affiliate can go to their Transaction history tab in the Backoffice and get a monthly view.
      7:3 Deposit / Fund Account
        • PROLabs is using third party payment solutions, to make it easier for Users to purchase services and products.
        • PROLabs does NOT decide the fee for any third-party payment system.
      7:4 Withdrawals
        • Withdrawals in PROLabs are directly connected to the BNB Blockchain or SmartChainPRO. 
        • PROLabs takes a 5% fee for any withdrawal in the Affiliate site and up to 5% on the ExchainPRO.
      7:5 Complaints
        • Complaints for non-deposit or withdrawals can be made to support at It must be submitted to the company within 14 days from the entry or withdrawal, otherwise the settlement is considered correct. In the case of User’s mistake, PROLabs has the right to charge a $30 fee for the support work. (Subject to change)
      7:6 Payment Methods
        • All products can be paid with BNB and BUSD on the BNB smart chain.Users can choose the Coinpayment gateway, or also connect their private wallet or use a credit card for payment.
        • Users can also pay with a Voucher created by other Users.
        • PROLabs WILL NOT be responsible for any missing payments facilitated through a third-party gateway processer.
      7:7 Community
        • Everyone above 18 years of age can create an affiliate business and become a part of the Ecosystem.
      7:8 Extra Costs
        • If a User’s bank account is either not specified or received by us with incorrect information resulting in the payment being transferred back, the User will be responsible for any costs that arise.  Charges for transfers outside the EU, known as SEPA zones, shall be paid by the User.
        • The minimum transfer for a withdrawal is $50.
      7:9 Internal Transfers
        • Internal Transfers from a PROLabs Affiliate to ExChainPRO will accrue a 5% fee each way.
      7:10 Swap
        • A Swap Fee= 5%
      7:11 Installment Agreement
        • In case PROLabs offer any kind of Installment Agreement the following rules apply: Equity Share Package Agreement:
          • The User is obligated to follow the agreement or the account will be suspended until the amount is paid.
          • If the User falls more than 3 months behind a 5% monthly penalty will appear on the total amount.
          • The User can´t withdraw earned Commission, but can create vouchers.
          If a User accepts any kind of loan, to buy an Equity Share Package, the User will receive non-commission vouchers.
        • NFT Installment Agreement:
          • The User will not receive any amount from the NFT Booster. All amounts from the Booster is saved in a separate account and will be paid when the NFT is fully paid.
          • The normal staking amount will be paid out on daily basis.
          • If the User falls behind with payment, they will still receive their normal staking, but no Booster bonus is paid until after the NFT is fully paid.
        • Read the terms and agreements for NFT Staking Boosters and NFT installment.

§8 Advertising Program

      8:1 Service
        • With PROLabs main product area, PyramidPRO White Label, ExChainPRO, SmartChainPRO and ForexPRO makes it very easy for each User or company to create advertising and choose where to be shown on the Ecosystem. Partner sites will also be displayed in the back office. 
        • Affiliate Users of the Ecosystem can also offer this service to their customers using their referral link.
      8:2 The Function of Ad Serving
        • The ads will be displayed according to the User’s choice when creating the ads.
        • STEP 1) User needs to choose the country, location, age limit and gender.
        • STEP 2) User has 4 advertising area options:
          • PyramidPRO White Label
          • SmartChainPRO Blockchain
          • ExChainPRO Exchange
          • ForexPRO
      8:3 Account(s) Per Household
        • Each User of PROLabs Ecosystem can register one account per person above the age of 18.
        • If the Ecosystem detects any malicious activity such as manipulation or cheating, the User’s account may be permanently and irrevocably deleted.
      8:4 Account Verification KYC (Know Your Customer)
        • All Users will need to verify their email.
        • KYC Verification is necessary for all Users who wish to withdraw from their account.
        • The User must submit a clear and valid picture of their ID, as well as a picture of the User holding the ID next to their face. All pictures need to be very clear, no cutting edges or glare on the picture. Failure to do so, KYC will be rejected and the User will need to resubmit. PROLabs has the right to require additional documents to prove that the correct User is registered on the company's Ecosystem.
      PROLabs Is A Winning Ecosystem, BUT It Is NOT AN INVESTMENT.
      8:5 Ecosystem Features
        • With our Ecosystem functions, we have created a system where all are welcome and may sign up as a free User. The system also gives the opportunity to build a business that provides services and products.
      8:6 Version of the Marketing Plan
        • Any User who wishes to earn Commission or get rewarded with any of the PROLabs opportunities, has their own responsibility to follow the last updated version of the Marketing Plan. You can always find the last updated Marketing Plan on PROLabs Discord server or the Facebook group.
      8:7 Creating Advertising
        • As part of the services offered by PROLabs, it is possible to create advertising with regular text, pictures or a website.  In order to create advertising, a User or company must fill in the form and choose the advertising area and then submit for review. 
        • All requests regarding advance advertising and video advertising customization should be sent to PROLabs support.
      8:8 Content of the Advertising
        • The advertiser (User) bears full responsibility for the content of their advertisement, whether using PROLabs or third parties.  PROLabs reserves the right to refuse the created advertisement, or remove it, if it is in violation of our terms or any laws.

§9 Responsibility

    • PROLabs is Copyrighted and needs permission and rights to publish, store and distribute files that belong to PROLabs. We respect other companies or people with copyright in their content.
    • 9:1 Service
        • The User who creates any advertising bears full responsibility for the respect of copyright and other rights associated with the publication, storage, distribution or other forms of use of the files held by the User and stored at PROLabs.
        • In case of any breach of laws we will collaborate 100% with both sides. PROLabs cannot be held responsible for any mistake or breach from a User.
        • In such case, PROLabs will suspend the User’s account until any/all litigation is complete.
      9:2 Objectives in the Case
        • The User shall, in the case of copyright claims, be aware of any breach of any of these Rules by unlawfully uploading, sharing or publishing material from PROLabs and personally assume any liability to the Company for any legal costs such as court proceedings, legal representations or costs incurred by the Company which is issued by the court or established by arbitration.
      9:3 Unauthorized Access
        • In the event of unauthorized access or attempted access, PROLabs has the right to charge a penalty for loss and immediately exclude the user from the PROLabs Ecosystem.
      9:4 Sanctions
        • Violations of the provisions of these regulations may, in PROLabs judgment, result in a warning, suspending of the account, limiting the ability to use specific services, deletion of any files or special fields that violate these regulations including deletion of the account.  It is always PROLabs who decides which opinion is right or wrong and the User will always be warned in writing by e-mail before such measure is decided.
      9:5 Exclusion
        • PROLabs carries no responsibility towards the User for lost data or funds at an exclusion of the User.  PROLabs is also not liable for damages that may arise from the above mentioned, arising from breaking the laws or a third party complaint.
      9:6 Unauthorized Access to the Account
        • PROLabs is NOT responsible for ANY consequences that arise as a result of third parties gaining access to a User’s password. This is especially true when the User logs in through different locations.
        • It will ALWAYS be the User’s responsibility to store and secure a safe password. PROLabs provides 3 types of security passwords:
          • Login Password
          • Transaction Password
          • Google Authenticator
      9:7 Right to Immediate Deletion
        • PROLabs has the right to remove one or more files shared by a User, as well as the entire account, in order to maintain an adequate level of service standard on the Ecosystem and functionality in violation of the regulations or law.  Deletion does not require prior notification, but the User may request a justification via e-mail.

§10 Copyright

      10:1 Rights to the Ecosystem
        • All rights to the Ecosystem and all its options (including software, function schedules, graphic elements, crypto song, databases and works presented in the Ecosystem) belong to PROLabs.
        • Uploads from Users are also considered the property of PROLabs. When uploading, each User agrees to the terms and copyright laws and fully understands all uplooads to PROLabs Ecosystem CAN NOT be copyrighted by third parties. If this happens, the User can be terminated on the Ecosystem.
        • Furthermore, criminal action will be taken; please refer to 9:2.
      10:2 Allowed Personal Use
        • The User may use the content placed in the Ecosystem only in the context of permitted personal use.  Any use of the contents of the Ecosystem that is not permitted by personal use is prohibited and constitutes copyright infringement.
      10:3 Prohibit
        • The use of PROLabs Ecosystem does not mean the purchase of rights to this or its specific details.
      10:4 Change or Block
        • Modification or blocking content presented in the Ecosystem, without PROLabs consent, may constitute a violation of applicable regulations, as well as the rights of PROLabs and other persons.  This applies specifically to the use of tools such as Internet browsers or other applications with the ability to change or block content transmitted via the Ecosystem, especially content in advertising and social media.

§11 The Right to Report Infringement and Complaint

      11:1 Registration
        • Users and third parties must notify PROLabs by support, with any information of other Users' violations of laws related to the contents of the Ecosystem and any irregularities in connection with its functions.
      11:2 Contents of the Notification
        • The notification must contain mandatory information but in particular these should be stated:
          • Registration type
          • Designation of the person who submits information whose rights have been violated in the form of name and user name in the system.  The notifier must also enter the e-mail address and telephone number together with the country code.
          • Detailed description of the violation of the law.  Notifications that do not meet specific requirements for the notification to be processed will not be in the form of a reliable message.  The notification should contain information aimed at protecting PROLabs name and Ecosystem including the User's and third party's interests.
      11:3 Complementary
        • A message that does not meet the requirements mentioned above, may lead to PROLabs requesting a supplement to the notifier with an appropriate time period.  A time period that has expired shall be considered as a resolved notification.
      11:4 Temporary Suspension
        • In situations that give rise to doubts about the notification, PROLabs has the right to temporarily suspend an account for investigation.  A suspension of a User’s account may not mean that the person holding this account has violated any rules in the law.  This suspension can be for 30 days or a maximum of 60 days.  After 60 days, PROLabs must decide whether the account will remain suspended or permanently closed or if the notification of crime is canceled.
        • The notified partner and the notifier shall, within a reasonable time, receive information on the case and both parties will have a clear explanation of the circumstances.
        • All information is made in writing to both parties e-mail, which they stated when enrolling.
      11:5 Complaints
        • The user has the right to complain about the services provided in the regulations. Complaints must always be submitted to PROLabs support in written form.
        • PROLabs reserves the right not to provide further answers to a complaint about which is lacking, especially when the dispute is already resolved.
      11:6 Social media
        • The user has the right to share their referral link and talk about PROLabs on social media in a good way, the user is not allowed to promote their business based on past result, as no past results is any guarantee of future results.
        • Any negative remarks can release a warning of temporary closure of account; a second warning can give up to 6-month suspension or permanent closure of the account.
      11:7 Rights

§12 General Information About the Services

      12:1 System Function and Update
        • PROLabs ensures the Ecosystem's function is always updated and working fine.
        • PROLabs does not promise or give any compensations if the Ecosystem breaks down, or when system updates are occurring.
      12:2 Program Security Level
        • PROLabs ensures that the functions of the computerized system are 99% secure for third party infringement.  All intrusion into the system is due to the fact that passwords or other important information have been allowed by Users or third parties.
        • PROLabs provides 3 security passwords on each user’s account.
          • Login Password
          • Transaction Password
          • Google Authenticator
        • Support will NEVER ask for your password.
      12:3 Antivirus
        • The User should be aware of the risks that may occur in the absence of antivirus software.  All use of one's data on the User's personal devices must be secured by the User.  PROLabs will not replace lost funds due to lack of security on private units.

§13 Amendment of the Regulations

      13:1 Right to Change
        • PROLabs has the right to change regulations without giving a reason.  However, PROLabs shall provide information visibly to the User in email or notification on login.  If a User does not approve the amendment of the regulations, this results in suspension or deletion of the User’s account.
      13:2 Complementing the Regulation
        • Provisions that are deemed to be amended in regulations are always changed to such provisions that have the closest importance and purpose in the past.
      13:3 Disputes
        • Provisions in the terms and all disputes between PROLabs and the User shall always be resolved through internal settlement and not in a court of law.
        • If any dispute occurs that could not be settled internally, legal proceedings will only happen in the country PROLabs is located with their business permit.
      13:4 Pause Caused by the Service Provider
        • PROLabs has the right to perform maintenance work that is intended to restore the security or stability of the system, or even bring new products into the Ecosystem.  The User has no right to compensation in connection with such a break, nor does it cease to do the services with the company.
      13:5 Changes
        • The User approves changes, legal changes and transfer of rights from PROLabs to another entity.  In particular, the User accepts that PROLabs head office may be transferred to another country, including the creation of a brand new company or a merger of companies.

§14 GDPR

      14:1 Data Management
        • Personal information that arrives at PROLabs is handled on a separate unit where only one employee has access with their own admin and password.
      14:2 Time of Data in the Company
        • All personal information that arrives at PROLabs is inaccessible to third parties 14 days after registration.
        • After verification of the User is made, all useless history is deleted except for what is needed to be able to identify it.  This data is encrypted and hidden with a separate database with it’s own virus and firewall.
      14:3 Consent
        • The User voluntarily gives their consent that the company will properly handle their personal data. The User has the right to withdraw their consent if they wish to do so. However, the company may choose to terminate the account because the company is dependent on personal data in order to verify the right User. Consent is given by the User in the Ecosystem under personal data or EDIT profile and the KYC application.
      14:4 Withdraw Consent
        • The User can withdraw his consent by email to support via
      14:5 Request for Information
        • The User has the right to request from PROLabs Database which tasks are handled by the company against this.  Information must be provided in writing. All data saved and used by PROLabs can be found in “my profile” under settings. PROLabs has the full right to reclaim the request.
      14:6 Disclosure of Information to Third Parties
        • PROLabs does not issue or comment on Users and their tasks.  Users are anonymous in the Ecosystem, where only the User’s username is published to third parties.
      14:7 Disclosure of Information to Third Parties White Label system
        • PROLabs/PyramidPRO’s onboarding process gives the new company admin access to see details such as name, username, id, sponsor, and KYC status.
        • Each User can accept the terms in the onboarding process. This gives the right to forward details to the new company, so an Affiliate can be placed correctly in the new structure.
        • Users have a 15-day period to approve the OPT-in request from the white label system. If the User does not give their full consent, they will lose their position in the new company/opportunity.

§15 ExChainPRO Exchange

    • All Users of PROLabs can login to the Exchange with their own username and password. When using the Exchange, you also approve the ExChainPRO Exchange Terms and Conditions here:

§16 IDO/IEO LaunchPAD

    • All Users of PROLabs and PyramidPRO can login to the Exchange with their own username and password, and make purchases on the IEO or IDO LaunchPAD.

§17 Liquidity Pool Rewards Terms

    • All Users of PROLabs can earn from the extra benefit from the TIER program in ExChainRPO

§18 ForexPRO

    • All Users of PROLabs can login to ForexPRO with their own username and password. To earn commission, Users must approve the ForexPRO Terms and Conditions here:
    • NOTICE: ForexPRO has an extended Terms Of Use.

§19 Blockchain and NFT

    • All Users of PROLabs can login SmartChainPRO with their own username and password. To buy any NFT, Users must approve the Terms and Conditions.
    • NOTICE: SmartChainPRO has an extended Terms and Agreement.